Our Coaching Methods

Specializing in business coaching & consulting, passionately coaching awareness, intuition, and mindset.


Coaching is a collaborative and dynamic Experience.

Steve Barton is here to help you realize your intentions and reach your goals. Coaching can take the form of conversations, brainstorming, accountability check-ins, roleplaying stressful interactions, and much more. Steve is a trained executive coach using the gestalt core concepts. He is an experienced entrepreneur, intuition coach, conversationalist, and father. Read on to learn about Steve’s credentials, as well as his patented mindset coaching system, the Game of Ten.


What patterns go through your mind every day? Are there thoughts and feelings that you have over and over, just because something reminds you of them? How many of these patterns and loops benefit you?

What horrible things are you saying to yourself every day without realizing it?

These patterns and rules and repeating thoughts can be thought of as a game that our minds play with themselves. This is the game often played. This game is not fun for most people.

Common pieces of the game often played include guilt, shame, and self-doubt. Fear, anger, sorrow, and many other manifestations are also frequent. Each person can call their game something different, a common name for it might be “My Life Sucks.”

Since the game often played is a mental game, its rules are our fundamental assumptions, its signature moves are our patterns and habits, and its play style is the way each one of us interacts with the world.



 How would you respond if you were asked to rate your quality of life on a scale of one to ten?


I can imagine a flurry of different thoughts and perspectives, “I don’t want to sound ungrateful,” “My life’s been far worse than it is now” “I’m usually happy nowadays, I know things could get much worse,” “I want to say 10/10 and be optimistic, but I know I won’t be truly happy until this, that, and the other thing happen.” Jeez! How hard does picking a number need to be?

What if we’ve been going about this whole quality of life thing all wrong? Why are we analyzing the effects of our actions and experiences, and not the cause? Why are we looking at the stories we tell ourselves and not the assumptions and motivations behind them?


The Game of Ten is a framework designed to guide people towards a mindset of self-acceptance and peace.



  • I am always Ten, everyone else is always Ten

  • I am always right with the awareness I have

  • Everyone is always right with the awareness they have

  • I am enough, I do enough, I have enough

  • Everyone is enough, does enough, and has enough

  • 1-9 is the opposite, and an illusion, because we are already Ten


The rules of the game, called tenets, are intended to guide you towards awareness and acceptance of all that is.

These tenets provide a worldview which sees peace and contentment as the natural state of being, even if it is not the normal state for many people. When you accept the tenets, you realize that there is no reason to be deprecating or judgmental towards yourself or others. When you accept that everyone, including yourself, is enough, does enough, and has enough in this moment, then you can begin to accept and appreciate yourself and others as beautiful and connected parts of humanity and the universe. By acceptance of these in this moment, intentions can be set for the new vision of what is enough, with intent and purpose.


  • Would

  • Should

  • Could

  • Need

  • Want

  • Try

  • I’m Sorry

    How often do you say these words in a day?

    We will help you with choose other ways to communicate to become clearer in your relationships with others.


The words we use matter.

Whether we’re talking to ourselves or others, it is important to be aware of the words we are using and how these words can attach themselves to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Dirty words are examined and explained as part of the Game of Ten® coaching, because they reveal how our our language very easily drags us Off-Ten and sends our mind to dark places. These word will bring you to guilt, shame, fear, and not enough. The common themes used by the conditioned mind.


 “Steve's coaching is awesomely unique! Through the use of his "Game of 10" he creates a new lens for he and his client to look at what's really going on. He's a skilled coach who asks his clients the right questions and gets to the heart of the issue. I've really appreciated working with Steve, and highly recommend him as a coach!”

–Amanda M


Reset Your Mindset

Strategic Coaching helping clients to reach their potential.